How YouTube Filtering Works
- Google handles all classification of videos on YouTube.
- The Technology Office can approve any video or YouTube Channel to grant access to the video.
- To access approved YouTube videos, you must be signed into YouTube using your Hopatcong Schools email account.
YouTube Filtering Issues with Channels
If you or a student has created their own YouTube Channel within their Hopatcong Schools email account, YouTube may default to that channel when signing in. Approved videos cannot be watched when signed in under a channel. Instead, head on over to and click the user's icon in the top right corner. Look for the entry that is the user's complete first and last name and click on that. Any other entry in the list will not allow you to view allowed videos.
YouTube Filtering Issues with Embedded Video
In some situations, videos that are embedded into another website may not show up, yet accessing the video directly on works just fine. This is a known issue with Google's implementation of their YouTube filtering. The only workaround if and when this occurs is to access the video directly from YouTube or the video creator's YouTube Channel.