Technician's Note: Below are instructions on how to set up Google Meet for synchronous instruction.  These instructions will likely have little application when synchronous instruction ends.

Setup Overview

  • Teacher will use both their Chromebook and Desktop.
  • Both the Chromebook and the Desktop will be joined to the same Google Meet.
  • The Chromebook will be paired with the earbuds, and will be used to display students in the Google Meet.
  • The Desktop will be connected to the webcam, and will be used to switch between the SMART Board screen and classroom view from the webcam.

Set up your Chromebook

  1. Pair your earbuds to your Chromebook.  This typically only needs to be done once, and both your Chromebook and earbuds will remember each other.  Pairing instructions differ depending on the earbuds you are using, but for the district provided earbuds you can find the instructions here.

  2.  Head on over to

  3. While in the "lobby", you can click on the three dots in the lower right corner and select "Settings."
  4. Make sure on the Audio tab you have your new Earbuds selected under "Microphone."  You also have the choice of using the the speaker built into the earbuds or using your classroom speakers by changing the drop down under "Speakers" to either Speakers or Earbuds.
  5. Click Done when done.

Set up your Desktop

  1. Head on over to

  2. While in the "lobby", you can click on the three dots in the lower right corner and select "Settings."
  3. Click on the Video tab at the top.  Select the "HD Camera" option that appears in the drop down located just below the "Camera" setting.
  4. Click Done when done.

Using Google Meet

At this point you are ready to join your meeting and begin.

Your Chromebook should be used to monitor your Google Meet while your Desktop is used to show either yourself or your SMART Board.

Remember, you can switch between your webcam to your computer screen at any time by clicking the "Present now" button in the bottom right corner.

The "Present now" menu that appears lets you show a Chrome tab, program tab, or an entire screen.  For the sake of simplicity, you may have the best results by selecting the entire screen option.  You will need to select Screen 1 and then click Share at the bottom to begin.

Select the screen you want to share, and click the Share button in the bottom right.  Now anything you bring up on that screen will not only be shown to the in-person class but also the students attending virtually. This includes SMART Notebook, a document camera, web pages, etc.

To stop presenting, click on the giant "Stop presenting" button in the middle of the Google Meet screen, or click the "You are presenting" button at the bottom and select "Stop presenting" in the menu that pops up.

Quick note - if you are planning on showing video from a web page to students virtually. you may want to choose the Chrome Tab option from the "Present now" menu.  This will improve the video quality being shared with students.  To switch between presentation sources, use the "Stop presenting" option first, then follow these directions again to start presenting the different source.