What are Categories?
Categories are a collection of similar assignments.
What can you do with Categories?
In all gradebooks, you can use categories to label and identify types of assignments and create default assignment options that are created within that category.
In traditional gradebooks only, you can use categories to associate a final grade weight - e.g. Quizzes are worth 40% of the final grade whereas Class Participation is worth 10%.
How do I get to my existing Categories?
Navigate to Grading > Categories.
What if I want to Delete Categories?
You cannot delete the default categories that are created at the district level (indicated by a school building to the right of the Category Name - ). You also can't delete a category once it is used. But you can mark any category Inactive so it doesn't show up in your list of available categories. To do so, navigate to Grading > Categories and click the Pencil icon (
) to the right of the category you wish to edit. Change the Status option from Active to Inactive and click Save. If you've never used the Category before and it is not a district created category, you can try to click the Delete button in the bottom left corner of the window.
How do I Edit Categories?
Navigate to Grading > Categories and click the Pencil icon () to the right of the category you wish to edit.
How do I Add Categories?
Click the Create button up top and select Categories. Specify at a minimum a Category Name. Try to select a color that won't overlap an existing category you are using.
If you would like you can also associate Assignment Defaults so that any new assignment created within the category will be created with these settings. Click the Assignment Defaults tab at the top, and select a Score Type, Scoring (if applicable) and Publishing status.